Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 2

I began Wii Fit after getting home from work while waiting for my husband to get home. I had a limited amount of time because we were heading to our old rental townhouse once he arrived home.

Body Test--good. I apparently had a smaller BMI (still in the 22 range), but I apparently had lost two pounds and was down to 126. Hmm...it could be that I took the first Body Test in the afternoon right after lunch, and this was around 5:30 on an empty stomach. Even the Wii Fit icon mentioned to do it around the same time of day...

I decided to do some Yoga. It was the only fitness category I hadn't touched. I was actually a little nervous because I hadn't done Yoga in a while (translation: at least two years!), and I wasn't sure if I actually had balance and muscle underneath my pudgy exterior.

Turns out I'm actually pretty good! On the Warrior pose I got a Yoga Master rating (four stars), but the Tree pose was my worst--and Tree pose used to be my best!

As I was going through the poses (I actually found the Sun Salutation to be a bit difficult!), I was absolutely blown away with the fact that I may actually be sore tomorrow due to a video game. I was suspicious when Wii Fit was first announced that it would be light exercise--and some of it is--but I never realized that this was something I could actually use to tone up and lose weight.

Well, the amazed thoughts didn't last long because my husband came home and we took off to go paint. I only logged in about 10 minutes. :(

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